Tag Archives: Revisions

Revisions Are Essential to Developing Writing

Doug Downs reveals the importance of revisions in his article, “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” by informing readers not every first draft is perfect, hence why revisions are crucial. Downs creates an analogy explaining how revising is similar to … Continue reading

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Revision Is Central to Developing Writing

In the article “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” by Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle, the authors show the importance of revision in the writing process. They argue that writing is a process of discovery, and revision plays a critical … Continue reading

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Blog Post #9

In Doug Down´s article ¨Revision is Central to Developing Writing,¨ the main idea is that effective writing is achieved through a process of iterative revision. Writers should create multiple versions of their work, allowing for reflection, feedback, and significant development … Continue reading

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