Expressing and Sharing Meaning is a Fundamental Participation in Writing

Charles Bazerman expresses in “Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader,” that by writing we can articulate and communicate a thought, desire, emotion, observation, and so on. Bazerman goes on to explain how making and sharing meaning provides motive and guiding principle in our writing that later helps shape the content of our communication. It is important that our writing is clear and shareable for our readers. We want to always be sure that our readers can make sense of our words. That will make it easier to make a personal connection with each of your readers. As a writer you want to make sure that your words are consistent with your current state of mind. A reader can never read a writer’s mind to confirm their state of mind, so you should always be clear about the point you are trying to make and what you are trying to say.

A writer’s meaning arises from the expression of internal thought meanwhile a readers arise from the objects, experiences, and words provided to the reader by the writer. The only way for our readers to connect with us is though the words that we share with them. For example, meaning is philologically complex, yet children are able to grasp in what they are learning are they are able to share their experiences through their writing. Like any other person as their writing develops, they will be able to express and articulate meanings more fully and effectively. Although understanding how to communicate with your audience is a good thing, writing like most of all things does come with its own challenges.

Bazerman later explains that writing expressing and sharing meaning can be troublesome because there is a tension between the expression of meaning and sharing it. At times we often think of our expressions as something that is deep and personal, but we must keep in mind that not all of our readers will respond to our thoughts the way that we may want them to respond. As a writer you cannot always expect your words and thoughts to be favorable. With that being said, every expression shared contains risk and will also evoke anxiety. With those risks many writers tend to hesitate to share their expressions and even keep meaningful texts private.

Due to the hesitation writers may resist the idea that their texts may translate a different message to their readers, something that they didn’t intend. As we need to work on our words with greater care. Be sure to share our expressions of meaning the best way we can. we need to be sure that we use limited resources of written language. Despite the fragility of words, we need to be able to increase our attention to reconstructing writers’ meanings. The vagaries of meaning will become a resource for writers, doesn’t matter if you’re a poet or a lawyer.