complications in writing: how we learn how to write

In Kathleen Nancy’s “Writers’ Histories, Processes, And Identities Vary” she talks about how everybody’s development in writing is different because of how their backgrounds shapes their writing. she talks about how there isn’t a single way to approach teaching how to write because of how many different ways people learn how to write or express themselves. she also says how this can be a problem for teachers that teach writing in one way because every writer learns and writes differently. However in Andrea Lunsford’s “Writing Is Informed By Prior Experience” she states that the writers develop from their past experiences with writing. bringing up that when a writer is assigned with a essay they tend to bring up and use old strategies they’ve experienced and learned in the past, whether its hurtful or helpful to what they’re writing.

Luckily for me, I wasn’t taught one way how to write, or forced to learn one way to write. my teachers or whoever was teaching me allowed me to express myself my own way when writing. of course they would show me guidance and taught me how to improve my writing but they never told me I had to write a certain way. Later on in high school I was assigned multiple times to assignments that followed a specific writing process, sometimes it would be helpful to me and sometimes it wouldn’t be helpful but it was still good to learn a specific process just to know it incase I needed it in the future. In my personal opinion, I believe schools could help writers develop by letting them express themselves freely and push a specific way of teaching them. they should guide them to be better writers and push them to be better, but never follow a specific way because everybody learns and develops differently. you cannot push someone to learn a specific way and believe that way of teaching is gonna work with every student. All students learn differently, some students are visual learners, some students learn from listening, and some students learn from physically doing it and learning from their mistakes and their success.I believe the digital world is changing how we develop as writers because the internet gives us unlimited amount of resources we can use to learn and develop. from YouTube videos that can literally help us with anything from math, English, history, even plumbing, YouTube has changed the way we develop as writers and its one of the biggest platforms we use to learn. another way the digital world is changing the way we develop is Google. Google gives us access to a unlimited variety of essays, documents, informative ways we can learn just a simple search, google is the biggest change in how we develop from the digital world.