Writing is not inborn

In “Writing Is Not Natural”, Dylan B. Dryer he talks about Speaking is something that comes with time its natural. Yes it’s still something you have to learn, however it’s way easier. Writing is not natural, it’s not something you’re born doing. Writing takes time and lots of learning and understanding. It’s harder to express feelings in writing or experiences, vs speaking it comes across with tone and gestures.writing is something that is made. It may seem natural in your day to day life because you’re not thinking about sending emails,sending texts, or writing your grocery list.  When writing you have to make sure your audience is understanding the tone you’re trying to portray. A lot goes into writing a piece of any kind and if you struggle with writing you will end up with extra steps. First is to think about what you’re writing about and who you’re writing to. This will set the vocabulary and tone of the writing. When we are speaking we have body language to follow, facial expressions we can see, and listening to the tone of voice can tell you how someone is feeling. In writing we can only explain these things to the best of our ability to help the reader feel as if this was being said in person. Writers are always learning different ways to write and interpret out loud speech to pen and paper writing. We don’t want our writing to sound like we copied and pasted a real life conversation but instead to interpret the conversation that took place in a different way for people who were not there to still understand. Writing has always been a challenge for me as English is not interesting to me, i stress about writing. I don’t understand all the grammar, punctuation, and correct verbiage that needs to be used. I write my draft and revise it many times and it’s never the way I envisioned it. Your draft should never be perfect and even your final polished piece will not be perfect. All writing can always be revised in one way or another. No one is perfect and no ones writing is perfect either.


i chose this image because in a way writing is like a tree it takes a long time to grow but when its ready it's beautiful.

I chose this picture because writing is almost like a tree. it takes a long time to grow but once it’s ready it’s beautiful. just like writing takes a long time to learn but once you have that final piece it’s beautiful.