Writing Is A Discipline of Ethics

Consideration Is Key

John Duffy, author of the essay “Writing Involves Ethical Choices,” asserts a valid point; a necessary duty that writers need to uphold are making ethical decisions in their writing process. ‘Ethical’ in Duffy’s context does not employ the deep consideration of whether or not the content a writer chooses is considered moral, or that their point seems reasonably justified, but rather, ‘ethical’ elicits the meaning of wondering what rhetorical steps need to be taken in order to meet the needs of the audience. This reflection requires the writer to situate themselves into the mindset of the reader, delving deep into the potential concerns that the reader might procure in regards to the essay. Duffy reframes typical questions involving ethics to fit the context of writing. He states,

For writers, these questions may be rephrased: What kind of writer do I wish to be? What are my obligations to my readers? What effects will my words have upon others, upon my community? (Duffy 31)

The dynamic between the writer and the audience brings up the necessity to articulate their words in such a way that conveys their purpose effectively whilst using various literature tools at their disposal. For example, if a writer needs to write a formal letter to a superior and their grammar, tone, and structure are sloppy, the message that is displayed toward the reader is that the writer must not care about etiquette, professionalism, or any formalities whatsoever. In order to fix this, the writer must ask themselves what word choices are appropriate to establish a formal tone, or whether or not acronyms and slang are necessary between their interaction. Additionally, the writer must evaluate if the fluency of their sentences convey proper consideration and indicates that enough time has been put in to write that letter that indeed shows the reader that they harbor good faith in their words.

The Duties of The Reader

Because writing is a social activity between the writer and the audience, ethical considerations are also an obligation on the reader’s behalf. Digesting a piece of text requires comprehending the purpose that the writer is trying to establish, being actively mindful and empathetic toward the author’s viewpoints. This perspective allows the reader to practice open-mindedness, which will overall benefit them to some capacity as obtaining knowledge from a variety of belief systems nurtures the brain. With this active reading, a gateway to providing constructive feedback toward the writer fuels the cycle of ethics all over again. Criticism allures new ideologies that may have not existed before, individual perceptions, and allows for positive discourse. Therefore, the writer can take this fruitful connection to consider the same or new ethical questions on their next piece.

WebPage Created by Ruby Magbag, Submitted 30 April, 2022.