“Writing Expresses Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” Web page.

How and why the reader should reconstruct writing, a short reading written by Charles Bazerman. By: Alberto Martinez

Charles Bazerman does a fantastic job explaining that in writing we can do anything and express all our thoughts and desires. We can express how we truly feel.

“By writing we can articulate and communicate a thought, desire, emotion, observation, directive, or state of affairs to ourselves and other through the medium of written words.” – Charles Bazerman.

I have learned many new things by reading “Writing Expresses Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” written by Charles Bazerman. I learned that writing is more than just a combination of words on a page to tell a story. Writing is what we want it to be! It doesn’t have to be boring or a long school assignment. We choose what we want to write.

So Bazerman does a great job showing us that writing can be fun, unique, and written for in many ways for many purposes. Bazerman explains that the writer can easily express their feelings and emotions to their audience. Readers can never read the writers mind, but if the writer does a exceptional job writing their heart out the readers will have a better understanding on what the writer is feeling. That is why we have to give it our all in writing, so the readers gets to know our true feelings and intentions.

The readers just see and read words. But if the writer does a good job explaining and giving good details, the reader can create and image in their own head and imagine what the writer is truly writing about. If your readers/audience can create and see a picture in their head, that means the writer has done really well doing their part. It is called Imagery. Since childhood we are taught on how to express our feelings by writing them out. And as we developed as writers we can precisely share more feelings with an even wider audience.

As writers we should always share what we feel. And we should express our emotions clearly. So that our audience really feels what we feel. Our tone should be targeted to our proper audience. Sometimes we write to adults and sometimes to younger children. Writers need to write with full passion/purpose. If we don’t give it our all, we will not generate any interest in the readers. Bazerman has done a great job explaining what every writer should do and why we should do it.


