Writing Beyond The Reader

In the article “Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed” by Charles Bazerman the concept that Charles talks about is that writing can share meaning through a number of ways.  Charles uses words like desire, emotion, observation and state of affairs to describe writing.  Those descriptive words really hit home as all of those make up the meaning of writing,  when writing, authors use emotion to get their point across and make create a good hook to keep us interested.  Desire, observation and state of affairs all seem to tie into one another as they are counter parts to making a great reading.

Meaning can be risk taking,  often times our expressions are personal and risky, risky as in how the reader will react to your expression or emotion.  Charles says readers will hesitate to share how they’re feeling, this could be because of the uncertainty of the future.

Everything author Charles Bazerman has said whether it be risk taking because of uncertainty, expressing emotion through writing, or just the concept of sharing meaning.  Those three points are all valuable in what makes a writer a writer, meaning is complex, a reader may take a point in your writing a different way than someone else, but that’s all in the category of risk taking.

Something I have taken away from reading Charles Bazerman article is that, it’s okay not to please everyone.  Not everyone is going to like what you have to say, saying what you want to say is truly what matters when trying to compell a reader.  That ties into what I think is the main point too, only the writer knows what’s right when writing an article, essay, or whatever it may be.  Failure is always an open door when writing, often times it will take multiple attempts at revision and reviewing.  Charles didn’t write “Writing Expresses And Shares Meaning To Be Reconstructed By The Reader” in one attempt, he revised it and revised it some more to get it where it is today.

I have learned from “Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed” is that many times a writer’s meaning of their writing comes from expression or past experiences that the writer may feel is worth the time to write.  While sometimes it may be hard for the author to share their experiences or tell us how they’re feeling they proceed to do it because it’s what draws the readers in and compiles a good story.