What Makes Writing Ethical?

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” John Duffy explains the idea of ethics inside the world of writing. Ethics, as it pertains to writing, is not a matter of morals; but a matter of  how ideas and stories are conveyed. John mentions the idea of knowing your audience. What you are writing, what kind of writing, and who is it being written for, are all things that must be considered when creating ethical writing. An ethical piece of writing will be written in a manner that has considered all of these factors. Unethical writing will be written is such a way that conveys the purpose of the text in a “unconventional” way. These ethical responsibilities are also transferred to the reader. The reader must consider why the piece was written, and take that piece as it was meant to be taken. For example, A satirical piece should not be taken in a serious manner. Duffy feels that writing with these thoughts in mind can expand our understanding of what it means to write.

When we see writing this way, as an activity involving ethical choices arising from the human relationship of writer and readers, we cross a threshold that both expands and complicates our understanding of what it means to write.

The Ethical Responsibilities of a reader and writer are as follows:

Ethical Responsibilities of the Writer:

  • Understanding your audience
  • Knowing what the piece is meant to achieve
  • thinking about the impact of your writing

Ethical Responsibilities of the Reader:

  • Understanding the Purpose
  • Considering the meaning
  • Willfully open

For a writer to create an ethical piece of text, understanding its audience will change how the writer articulates their words. The purpose of the text will affect how the information is presented. As a writer it is important to think about what people might pull from your writing (its impact on the reader). If all of these factors are present in a writers pieces, then they have created an ethical and effective piece. For a Reader to be ethical, you must look at the purpose of the writing to understand why the writer wrote the piece. This will allow the reader to have a better understanding of the choices that the author made throughout the text. Considering the meaning of a text is ethical because it “makes use of the writing” in a sense. Considering the meaning will help you as a reader get the most out of a text. Being willfully open as a reader means being open minded. A piece of writing may not be something you agree with, but it’s important to consider opposing viewpoints to further your own understanding of a topic.

Writing is a much more complex process than just “putting words on paper”. It involves many hours of contemplation and a very long convoluted thought process. Few people today understand the hardships that can come along with a writing project. Writing is truly an art form, and like any other form of art, it isn’t a natural talent. It must be practiced and perfected, for a writer to reach their full potential.