Walking is Natural, Writing is Not

In “Writing is Not Natural” by Dylan B. Dryer, he explains to us that writing is in no form a natural thing to do. This means that the art of writing must be taught and in conclusion, learned. Writing is something that has been developing for many years. It is most definitely not natural.

Not all languages have writing or words, some have images or calligraphy. Take Chinese writing for example. This to people who speak English in not legible. But this to that culture is something that must be taught. The same thing goes for English.

When we are writing, we must learn how to write with a tone. We must engage with the audience in the correct way. This must be taught; you are not born with the ability to know how to create good work. For some it may come easier, however for most it has to be continuously worked on. It is essential to know that writing is a medium, this is one of many ways to be able to communicate with one another.

You have to learn to be clear, concise and to the point with your writing. It must be compelling, so readers want to read on. Your writing must also be correct. You need to be credible. All of these things are taught.

Writing is something that you over time may or not get better with. We were not born with the ability to write. This is something that was taught, and over time developed. You are born with the ability to move around. We start by crawling, then as we grow, we gain the ability to stand. Eventually we start to walk, lastly, we run.

This in conclusion means as we grow and learn, our symbols and drawings, eventually turn to words. After they are words, they are formed sentences. This turns into paragraphs and is formed into papers or articles. It is all about baby steps. Writing is not natural, it is learned. Just as anything else goes, practice makes perfect.

This is important to know because we are all so hard on ourselves when it comes to writing. In reality, writing is hard work. It takes practice to be able to set a tone using only words. You cannot use facial expressions or your voice to make your tone clear. It is crucial to get your point across in the correct way because the reader is the one doing the interpretation. You do not want them to misinterpret what the meaning of your writing is.

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