Revision: Neccessary for Developing Writing

Above is a very informational Ted Talk of the importance of revising your writing. In other words breaking energy into a lifeless body of words. It touches on the fact that without revision someone’s paper will never meet its true potential.


This is another great YouTube video that discusses the importance of revising your paper. If you can get past the long introduction it does have some helpful tips and tricks on revising your paper to its fullest extent. This video shares steps that are important to take when revising papers.

“Revision is the heart of writing”-Patricia Reilly Giff

Revision is where the real writing takes place. The first draft is just a prologue to writing”-Solveig Eggerz

Revision is literally defined as re-seeing whatever is in front of someone, in most cases we use revision when we are talking about the writing process. The goal of revising a paper is to identify major areas of concern, and attempt to significantly improve the drafts of a writer’s paper. The main concern when revising is not the small errors, but rather stepping back as a whole and evaluating if the intended message came across as intended. When someone just completes a draft and turns in said paper they are missing out on an extremely important step in the writing process, revision.

This step of revision, can be the difference between a mediocre paper and a well-thought out processed paper. During the revision process writers are able to take a step back and look at their paper from a new viewpoint, re-envision it from a whole new outlook. Along with just noticing the small errors, such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It is important to step back and understand what is needed in order to fully get the writer’s message across.

Revision can be one of the most important steps that an effective writer takes. Especially in an academic paper revision is a necessity, one might even come to the conclusion that an academic paper without revision is an incomplete paper. Some think that by revising their paper they are admitting that their first draft was not good, but this is not the case at all. The writer is not admitting their first draft was not good but rather it could be improved on which is always the case when it comes to writing. Revision does not need to have the negative connotation that it currently possess, instead it should have a more positive connotation.