Revision is Central to Developing Writing Revision

The article “Revision is Central to Developing Writing ” by Doug Downs explains how revision plays a role in developing writing. According to Doug when writers are in the process of writing, making different versions of their writing and obtaining feedback from someone helps them improve their next draft of work. He feels that writers who do not revise receive less positive outcomes than those who revise. Writers write as they go so they think of several ideas, so when looking back at what they wrote they may be able to develop new/better ideas to add to their work which is improving it.



Doug further mentioned that the concept revision is essential to developing writing can be difficult. He explains that writers, specifically students who are a novice or unreflective do not look at revision in a good way. He explains that these students may see revising as a punishment for weak writing. Them being told to revise may make them feel like their being judged.  He connects that to teachers because some teachers make writing optional, so students feel if they’re being told to revise it’s because their work is “poor” which is far from true. After all, revising is a good thing. Doug explained it’s a tool that can better your skills and professional writing in the future.

In Anne Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts”, she has a similar view as Doug in his “Revision is Central to Developing Writing”. Anne explains how it’s ok to have a bad first draft and something writers do to improve is to go back and revise it so their drafts are better. According to Doug “to create the best possible writing, writers work interactively. Composing in many versions, with time between each for reflection, reader feedback, and/or collaborator development”(Downs).  I agree with Doug, as some create different versions of their work, they’re able to improve by fixing mistakes and adding/subtracting ideas to improve what they wrote.

overwork GIF by Carlotta Notaro  I don’t feel someone’s writing is going to be perfect so it’s a necessity to go back and revise. For example, I’ve recently revised an essay of mine for class, my first draft, and final draft have many differences.  My first draft had many mistakes and I went back to revise it. I was able to fix many mistakes and take out unnecessary information which improved my essay paper. If I didn’t go back to revise, I wouldn’t have been able to see a better outcome and see the mistakes I made.