Writing is not natural,  by Dylan B. Dryer is about how one expresses themselves through writing or other medium sources as a means of communication. Its natural to voice our opinions or thoughts through speech because it is easier to express ones feelings and emotions through conversation. Expressing our thoughts and points in writing or txt or any other way of communication other than through speech in not natural. It takes more thought and effort to get ones point across on paper.

When I started my college experience at the age og 39, I did not know what to expect. I was nervous and scared. I had loved englisg when I went to school, but that was 20-25 years ago. I have to say, although I get frustrated at times by how tetius writing can be, I have really come to enjoy it. The more I write, the more I like it, and find it a great way to express myself. I have learned a lot about myself and have been challenged in many ways throughout the last 14 weeks. I was pushed outside my comfort zone and that tends to be the best way I learn. It’s either sink or swim. I can proudly say that at times I may have wanted to sink to the bottom, that I came out a pretty good swimmer by the end of this course.

I definately recommend trying something new in life and not giving up. Writing may not be natural but lots of things in life are not natural or do not feel natural. The more one practices at something, the better one can get at it. I did not enjoy writing 14 weeks ago, but I can honestly say that I enjoy it now. I find it to be a great outlet and extremely happy that I stuck with it and did not give up. I plan to continue learning new things and cobntinue improving my writing skills.

I chose this GIF because first of all this movie is HILARIOUS and I like funny and it sums up how I am approaching life at this point in my life and my writing.

In Love Reaction GIF by Searchlight Pictures