The Simulation of Writing

Dylan B. Dryer’s article on “Writing Is Not Natural” states that writing and speech are two different things, believing speech to be more natural and writing to be more technical. When we compare and contrast writing and speech, dating back through history, the method of speaking has been around since the beginning while the first written language was invented by the Sumerians in 3500 BC. Writing’s all about punctuation and lines while speaking is about tone and volume, around the world every human can speak, but not every human could write, back then there were a lot of nonliterate societies and groups, and there still are. Writing is a more planned layout while speech’s used for more immediate kinds of actions, speaking will always come first before you learn writing. The first hunters and gatherers from thousands of years ago learned by communicating with one another, using speech in order to survive, whether it was looking for something to eat, building tools, or protecting themselves from intruders. The human minds have evolved to such a degree, where it’s that simple to just hear, see, and repeat certain sounds, like for instance, hunters and gatherers communicated by shouting and showing signs to one another. But eventually, language would take a whole new direction towards a more written purpose, starting with pictures and symbols being written on rock and cave walls, writing would become the pinnacle for a chain of innovations and inventions used to change the world, it’s considered technology. Because writing can be anything related to creation applying to sciences and studies. In Ancient Egypt around 3000 BC, a new writing platform was invented, a special paper called papyrus, made it easier for the Egyptians not just to store writing knowledge but to take the knowledge wherever they went. Writing is a combination between the sounds used in speech and the symbols for those sounds, representing not an original repeat of the communication but a translation, a second version. Speech is an inescapable tactic, but when it comes to writing, there are certain kinds of language that don’t require writing words, or certain inscriptions involving those words, like sign language. Speech may be a more natural phenomenon brought on by god, but when we learn writing, that’s when the human minds come to play, we aren’t handed this knowledge, mother nature’s long gone, all that’s left is to follow the simulation.

10 Oldest Written Languages in The World |

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