Revision: The Secret to Better Writing (“Revision is Central to Developing Writing” web page)


In the article, “Revision is Central to Writing” written by Doug Downs, the author claims that  writers go through many versions of their work, while taking time to reflect on their work to create their best efforts. Throughout his essay he explains to readers why revision is the most important aspect of good writing. Downs asserts that taking time between each revision allows creative thinking through out the revision process. It allows readers minds to hit the refresh button and allows more elaborate thinking patterns to occur. Downs states, “writing is not in the category of things that are often right the first time”. This statement by Downs furthers his point about the importance of revision. As you revise, you think about different way to say things and how you can connect points throughout your piece of writing. Revision takes time, and you have to be willing to put the time in if you want to see improvement between your revisions. It might be difficult at first, but you will not see improvement by doing nothing.

Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something — anything — down on paper.

An article with a similar point is Anne Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts”. Lamott’s article argues the need for those really bad first drafts that you aren’t proud of. Lamott goes through her own experiences and humorous stories to connect with readers, and in the process explain how even if you start out bad there is always room for improvement. “Shitty First Drafts” really highlights the way writers should just get something down on paper no matter how bad it is, because it can always be revised and improved. While Downs’s article was more about why revision is important for your final product, Lamott’s article is more about why it is acceptable to start out with untidy efforts. Both of these articles show interest in how revising and writing multiple drafts helps guide your writing roadmap we make up for ourselves. If you ever get stuck in your writing you can take a break and allow your brain to reset.

Although I do not enjoy writing as much as some, I have definitely learned the valuable lesson of revision and learning from mistakes I have made in my previous work. Even when you are feeling discouraged always remember that your first efforts are just that, they don’t have to be perfect because no writing is perfect. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, mistakes are good because if you never made them you would never learn. The secret to better essays As long as you put the time and effort into your writing you will see improvement and become a better writer.