Meaning Within the Mind of a Writer

The article, “Text Is an Object Outside of Oneself the Can Be Improved and Developed,” starts with how a writer personally begins writing. As said in the first sentence of the text, ” In the course of writing, whether preliminary notes, a sketch, or a full draft, a writer inscribes signs that now exist on paper, digital display, or some other medium.” These are examples of writers meaning within their minds of what they are writing and what messages they would like to get across. The writer has to make the text go further than just them; it has to connect with their readers. Your writing has with your readers makes the paper go even further because someone that reads your essay and gets that incredible connection to it on an emotional level will probably share it and pass it on. That is what it means to be a proper writer and their biggest challenge. We hope to give readers these feelings, making them experience different emotions and maybe change their opinions about it after they read the entire paper or even just the first paragraph. That creates the more significant meaning to make them experience what you are trying to make the experience and maybe even changing their views.

What are two ways that writers should review their writing once they have a draft?

  1. Send either digitally or give someone a printout of your paper with some highlighters or colored utensils. I like doing this because it helps get another’s perspective on your writing. After all, you may have read through and think it’s perfect. But you already know what you mean, your style, and how you want it to read—so being said, it’s excellent to have a couple of people read over it, so you know what others will think.
  2. It also ties together with the first point before and after you have a few correct your writing. And change what you think is necessary if they just give their opinion about changing something, word errors, punctuation, just everything then once you’ve done that, read through again for fluency, and make sure it is all good to turn in.

What are two ways that readers should look at a draft for someone else?

  1. Ensure you can see from their perspective even if you agree or not with it because it doesn’t matter about your opinion of their topic.
  2. Ensure that you are getting intrigued with their writing because if you’re the opposite of their topic. They have to rope you in somehow to help the writer get everyone’s attention.