Writing is not Natural to all People

The article “Writing is Not Natural” By Dylan B. Dryer talks about how we have used writing since before we can remember. The cavemen drew on the walls which is a form of writing. It has developed since then we went from drawing pictures to writing with words. It took centuries for humankind to go from pictures to using words. Forms of writing are more complicated to learn than other languages. Not only Do we use letters, but we also use an array of different symbols such as commas and apostrophes. These can be hard because they are similar in shape they are just located in different places in a sentence or word. This can make it even harder for people to learn our writing style.  They had to study cave painting and Egyptian writing for a long time before they could figure out what it was saying. You can learn a language in less amount of time and speak that language. Writing is very unnatural. Not only is it hard to compose and use but also hard to read.

The reading Why is Writing Hard” By Bryan Collins says many different facts about why reading the writing is almost as hard as writing the writing.  The author talks about Writing is difficult because it requires your undivided attention. You can not be thinking or doing anything while you are writing. This can be hard because some people listen to music while they work and you can not really do that when you are writing. You need to be completely focusing to understand what you are typing. Another reason is that writing is a long process. For you to complete a writing assignment to the best of your ability you should write it then some back to the writing and fix mistakes. Then you should read it through again the next day to make sure that is all still sounds ok. Also writing takes a lot of practice. You have to practice each individual skill that comes with writing. Then you have to practice using all of those skills together. This takes time and practice. So, To get better at writing which can be a hard process you need to practice. Another thing that you need to do is take your time. Read through your writing then fix things. Then wait another day and read through it again to make sure that  your writing is to the best of your ability and you are not shorting yourself. Just practice and be patient with yourself practice make progress.

I have chosen two different Moving pictures to help me explain my stance on why writing is not natural. The first moving picture is of a person saying that they have a headache from reading. This could be a true story if they are having a hard time understanding what is going on in the reading and is giving up. In the second moving picture is Lisa saying that reading is the hardest thing ever. She is struggling with writing and has lost hope on trying to understand writing, which is one of the hardest form of communication to learn.