Writing is More Than Just a Simple Action

Writing is a social and rhetorical activity that brings the writer closer with their audience. After reading Kevin Roozen’s article “Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity” from the text Naming What We Know informs audiences about how deep writing truly is. Most people consider writing an email or text message as a simple task. In reality the writer is engaged in their piece and makes sure there is purpose in what is being stated. Rhetorical writing is any type of writing that is persuasive to their intended audience. The importance of understanding rhetorical writing is essential to form a good message for your audience. Rhetorical writing is used in every form of essay, email, text, on a sticky note, and even on your hand. Every writing piece has a purpose which makes is rhetorical.

Theres great importance of being in contact with others to form writing pieces. Everything about writing has been shaped by people, even the most isolated authors need others to draw their best ideas from. Experiences and ideas of others grow our knowledge as writers to form better work. Writing has been shaped by many others before us which means writing techniques and styles are constantly changing. Without being in contact with others would make it difficult to please your intended audience. The means of persuasion when writing are very high even if we don’t see it.

Being able to write in a social and rhetorical way will help you better understand what your audience needs and give it to them. If you are open to new ideas and try new types of writing or subjects of writing it could better your as a writer. Understanding writing is always changing and has been shaped by others way before you makes you out to be a better publisher. “It also encompasses the countless people who have shaped the genres, tools, artifacts, technologies, and places writers act with as they address the needs of their audiences.” Without focuses on your audience and connecting with them you will get no where in your writing career. People will not want to read the writing you published if it doesn’t partake in them. It is also important for writers to not take the credit for different genres or ideas.

“Writers are always doing the rhetorical work of addressing the needs and interest of a particular audience, even if unconsciously.” Doing simple tasks such as writing in a birthday card, sending a text message/ email, or even writing on a sticky note we always are thinking about our intended audience. Wether the audience be ourselves, your child, or a co-worker the way we write something matters. Writing a nice note to your daughter in her birthday card would be an unintentional way of saying “I love you” without actually saying it. The same goes for writing a text message you would not say something the same way to a co-work as you would to a significant other.

By Lexis Wheeler