Writing Development Requires Failure- Logan Lockwood

This passage by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr talks called “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing” talks about development from failure in writing. Specifically, in the early stages of a paper. Throughout this essay, they constantly are saying that having a bad first draft is almost a good thing. Most students try to write a perfect paper the first go around, and that is not the way to do it.

Good writing comes from going back, revising and analyzing what is written. They believe that the main reason students try to create perfect drafts on their first attempts is because of teachers. Students want to try and get it perfect on the first attempt, in hopes of earning the best grade. This backfires big time because a paper takes a lot of trial and error for it to be a well written.

Due to writing not being ‘natural’, it is almost impossible to write a perfect paper on the first attempt. This passage compares this scenario to the Harry Potter author, J.K Rowling, who had extreme failures before mastering the Harry Potter series. This goes to show that even famous and well-known authors don’t write a perfect book or paper on the first attempt.

I agree with the idea that failure improves writing. I have struggled in the past with writing in school. The example in the passage saying students want to write a perfect paper the first time around was exactly me when I was in grade school.

As I continue to further my knowledge on writing, I’m learning that the first draft of a paper is no where near what the end result will be. Something that Brooke/Carr said that really stuck with me is, “One of the most important things students can learn is that failure is an opportunity for growth” (Brooke.) Writing the same way without going back time and time again will not allow a writer to grow.

Noticing your failures along the way and correcting them is how a writer grows and improves their work. For example, when someone try to ride a bike for the first time, they may not be too good at it. In time, they will continue to do things differently so they can ride a bike smoothly without falling. It took failure to learn how to master it, and that is the same idea for writing. Without going back to understand and act on your mistakes, the writing cannot improve. Failure is needed to become a successful writer.         Source:”Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” https://muse-jhu-edu.lcc.idm.oclc.org/book/40635

I chose this gif  above because when writing, it is never going to be “entirely successful” right away, and that is okay. It will take many trial and errors to get a perfect paper. I think of this gif to be a writer after their first draft.


I chose this gif below because it can seem like a lot of work and time put into revising and perfecting a paper. By the end, it’ll be relieving to see that you have produced the best paper you can. I think of this gif to be a writer once the final draft is complete.