The Importance of Keeping the Audience in Mind While Writing

As a student in high school, writing was just a task I had to do to get a good grade. When writing my essays for school I wrote in a careless manner, meaning I wrote essays in the same structure: five paragraphs starting with an introductory paragraph, three CPAs (claim, proof, analysis), and a conclusion paragraph. I also made sure that I got all the necessary quotes in my papers and then just called it a day.When writing, I did not care about if people would enjoy reading my essay. As a matter of fact, it never crossed my mind because I knew only my teacher would read it and grade it. I gave myself a pat on my back for just writing something.

“Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creates Audiences” by Andrea Lunsford gives the main point of how writers should imagine writing to different audiences. Keeping the audience in mind helps with how the author can improve their writing, whether it be the structure or even the amount of effort that is put in.There is the possibility that the audience is not fully present but either way, knowing what the type of audience is and what they want to hear helps with writing in a way that is most effective for them to take in and understand. The audience is just as equal as the writer and the text, meaning writing in a way that sounds professional is equally as important as to how the audience will take in the writing. Will the audience understand the type of language you are using? Is the audience going to be interested in what I am saying? Considering these questions can help with how you adjust your piece of writing. Writing from different viewpoints and understandings help with adjusting the the audiences wants and needs. As a result, the audience is more engaged in the writing.


When reading this article, I realized that keeping the audience in mind is what helps make my writing complex. I now put more effort and appreciation into my writing because I realize that my teacher reads so many essays and probably gets bored doing so. In addition to making my essays more enjoyable to read, the article helped inspire me to write in different structures other than my five paragraph CPA. I learn to realize that the way I write is similar to the way I make a speech or how someone does public speaking. People make speeches that will grab the audience’s attention and not put them to sleep. In a similar sense, the way someone writes or the topic one writes about is so that they are able to get more people to read their piece. The audience has a big role in the writing industry and is super important to remember when writing.

