Ways Social and Rhetorical Activity Can Be Used

By Jack Jacobs

In the reading, “Writing is a Social and Rhetorical Activity” by Kevin Roozen, talks about how important the social and rhetorical aspects of writing are. He explains that their are many different ways that we write in our life. Ways such as texting, emails, writing notes for a class, writing a letter to family, or simply writing a blog post.

Roozen focuses on two main ways of writing, social and rhetorical. Rhetorical writing is where you write with the purpose to persuade your audience, and is something all writers do no matter how skilled they are at writing. A solid example of rhetorical writing is politicians writing speeches to persuade the people of their nation to vote for them.

Social writing is a communication, based on what someone has heard or seen before. The social side of our writing was meaning to us, and that people want to share, so examples of social writing could be telling a story. Knowing rhetorical situations and using it in or writing is important when trying to understand the needs of our audience.

One example of me using social and rhetorical writing is when I had to text a coach and talk to him about a team we were about to play. I was texting the coach and I had to send him some information on a team that we are playing this week. I knew that the text I was sending to the coach had important information that he was going to read so I made sure I was very clear with what I was saying. I also made sure that the point I was trying to get to was clear, so my coach would have no trouble understanding what I was trying to say. It is important for me to understand the social and rhetorical activity when writing the text because it helped me target the needs and interest of the coach I was texting. I used rhetorical writing in this text to the coach because I told him plays that might work against the defense, and matchups that I think would be beneficial to my team. I was persuading the coach to run a certain game plan. The social side of the text that I sent to the coach was showing emotion in how excited I was to play against this team, and how I thought we can come out with a win.