Revision is a necessity

In the writing “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” Doug Downs explains how important revising and editing are to writing. Downs begins by explaining the iterative writing groups needed to complete a full writing piece. Downs also explains that writing is not perfectible.No matter how much revision and editing is installed into a new piece of writing, that writing cannot be perfected. Although writing may not be perfected it can be suited for the highest level of audiences. Writing that is long and unrevised will most likely not be done for high-level audiences.

Writing itself can include a large range of benefits, especially being able to develop words or phrases that were not thought of before actually beginning to write. The revision process provides the same effect. When a writer gets to the end of their piece they begin to realize things about their writing that they did not see before. Simply looking at your text differently or from another perspective can provide a number of benefits. For example, A different perspective can put you in a specific audience’s shoes and enable you to see something from another point of view. Editing from another point of view will allow a writer to dial in their purpose towards a specific audience.

Unfortunately, a lot of people will see revision as punishment for bad writing. When a writer is forced to write again or more than they desired, this can promote negative feedback towards revision and writing in general. Also, when a piece is not interesting to that writer, being forced to write more can be torturous and unmotivating. This is the complete opposite effect of what revisions should have on a person. Revision should be an implication of maturity in writing and a reward for realizing improvement in their writing. Overall revision should be an extension of a writer’s arsenal. Revision should be one of the final steps in any author’s checklist when it comes to producing professional writing.

I have had many experiences in grade school concerning revision. It always felt boring and a chore to me until now. I realize how important revision is to create a complete assignment. Revising my essays has exponentially improved my grade throughout the school. Imagine turning in an essay that was only looked at one time. Overall, that is why revision and editing and also getting a second opinion is a necessity for developing a complete piece of writing.

A fighter is saying Dory is telling Nemo to

I picked these visuals to symbolize the grit and effort it takes to finish a piece of writing. Whenever a writer believes they are done they should continue to look over their writing to make sure all angles and perspectives are looked at. That is why being told to just keep going and pushing on is the best advice. When you finish a draft do not stop right after, go on to editing, revision, and all the final steps to complete that piece.