Practice, Time, and Effort Help Writers Learn More

By: Jessica Norris

While reading Shirley Rose’s article, “All Writers Have More To Learn”, I was able to learn that writers do not develop good writing skills just by learning how to write one time. Writers have to develop strategies on how they determine what they want to say and how to say it. Writing does not come natural to even the best writers. It is important for writers and educators to understand that they can not make a judgement on a single sample. Rose’s article correlates well with Kathleen Blake Yancey’s article, “Learning To Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds Of Practice, Time, And Effort”. While reading this article, I learned that practice is the best way to become an effective writer despite what writing techniques you are able to develop on. Needing to have your work revised is important so more practice can be done. Practice takes a lot of time and effort. Without practice, our writing is not as competent.

Both of the writers suggest that taking the time and effort to practice writing will help writers learn more complex ways of figuring out what works best for them to develop the best writing that they can. A statement that Yancey had said was “Practice can also involve other people, who can help us see what is working in a text and what is not; with their responses, we can revise so as to communicate more clearly.” This statement stood out to me because involving others in my drafting phases helps me better my writing. When I am finished with my writing, I like to get others input to determine if my thoughts make any sense on paper.

Why would practicing writing be important? If one was to submit a writing sample with no revision, a lot of mistake would be found. To some readers, many mistakes found can be very distracting and make the writing hard to follow. When trying to read the writing with multiple mistake then the writers main point can be hard to figure out. When the main point is hard to figure out then the entire effort that was put into the writing would be time wasted. Having your work revised will help you learn more, re-write and practice more and overall have more time and effort placed into your writing. When more time and effort is placed into your writing, then the better the writing becomes.