Writing, Revising, and Editing

There are a lot of steps writers have to take to become a really good writer. Doug Down, author of “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” talks about the importance of revision and how significant revision is to developing writing. In the early stages of writing, a writer often uses the “5cs” to develop their writing. The “5cs” consist of complete, clear, concise, compelling, and consistent writing. After you complete the writing, the writer typically revises and further edits their work. The revision process is essential, as it is central to developing writing. As a writer, creating a really good piece of work on your first try is very difficult to do, mainly because it is the first opportunity the writer has at creating a piece of work that will leave a mark on readers. Writers who do not revise their own writing, labelled as unrevised writing will tend to not meet their own personal goal because they did not receive feedback on what was good within their work, and what they could improve.

In addition of using existing language and ideas, revision is one of the best ways to improve writing because it uses new language and ideas. When creating work, writers often find themselves using one type of language or ideas. With revision, writers can receive feedback and find new ways to create more complete, clearer, and compelling pieces of work. Without revising, writers do not have the same opportunity to develop their writing. It can take many drafts to finally create a piece of work that the writer feels is good and reaches their potential, and when they reach that, then they can finally see their work in a new perspective Although revision is seen as a positive and offers the opportunity to see writing from a different point of view, revision can also be seen as a negative within the writing process. Revision can sometimes be seen as a form of bullying, or a punishment for creating a poor piece of work. There are people in the world that do not take criticism well by being told to write over and over again until they create a good piece of work. In certain situations like this, revision can seem like a negative opportunity rather than a positive opportunity. Revision is very important for creating pieces of work that will leave a impact on the writing world. It is essential to look at revision with a  positive mindset as a way to become a better writer and to develop the writing process. People who do revise should look at revision as a sign of more mature and professional writing.