Writing: Failure to Sucess

In “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development“, Collin Brooke and Allison Carr describes that failing before seeing one succeed is an important skill that should be talked about more often by professors. It is okay and even normal to not succeed on one’s first try. All writers at one point in their life have failed and became educated from those mistakes. It has made those writers better writers and there is never a success story without failure. In fact, individuals should fail because those mistakes help one improve their writing skills. Some of the best-known people who did wonders for this world failed multiply times before they reached greatness 

I chose this GIF because the main point of the article represented the idea that to improve in writing one will have setbacks. The authors showed this in the article when they said, “They must have the opportunity to try, to fail, and to learn from those failures as a means of intellectual growth.” This shows that failing does in fact help you improve as a writer and every failure leads you another step up to success. 

 I also feel the authors emphasize the importance of failure when they gave examples of great milestones from famous authors after they failed. The authors did this when they said, “J.K. Rowlings (2008), for example, is quite open about how she “failed on an epic scale” before she was able to write the harry potter series.” The authors saying this shows that even the best of the best fail, but if you get right back up and reflect on your past mistakes you might even have a bestseller on your hands.  

Both these quotes I provided to back up my claim fit well as the picture represents failure is the same as success. Which is equivalent to what the article is about. I also picked this picture because I feel like it symbolizes that if you do not fail at anything you will be sitting in the same spot you are right now, 10 years from now. Everything will say the same because one cannot improve without struggling and seeing one’s weaknesses.  

I then chose this YouTube video because the video went further into depth of why failing is important and how the idea of failing something holds people back. Courtney Johnson talks about his failure and how it contributed to him being where he is right now. Failure makes it so one can evolve and become a better person of oneself. Whether that is a better writer, or better person. The YouTube video ties in well with “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” because the main idea behind this article is that the act of failing before succeeding is an important development skill that should be talked about more. 

I think that the article talking about failing at something is needed for success is an especially important lesson. Many high school and college students struggle with criticizing. I know I do. But, after reading this piece I learned the importance of analyzing one’s mistakes and that criticizing helps one become a better writer. It is one stop forward. Not one step back. 


Works Cited

Brooke, Collin, and Allison Carr. “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development.” Project MUSE, 2015, pp. 62-64. https://muse.jhu.edu/book/40635. 

Pratik, Digital. https://giphy.com/gifs/digitalpratik-pratik-digital-affirmations-cjhcagY9TS5QyWtsqq 

“Failure is Necessary.” YouTube, uploaded by TEDx Talks, 29 Nov. 2018, Failure is Necessary | Courtney Johnson | TEDxEvansville