“Writing Expresses Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” Webpage



“The potential of making and sharing meaning provides both the motive and guiding principle of our work in writing and helps us shape the content of our communication.”

–Charles Bazerman


From what I have learned by reading “Writing Expresses Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” written by Charles Bazerman is that writing is more than just a combination of words on a page to tell a story.   The written piece created by the author gives insight into their views on the topic, the research that they have done and their findings, and could quite possibly propose a new idea within the reader of the piece to do their own research and find their own discoveries.  But it goes a little further than that.  When someone writes a paper, they do more than just create a story to occupy someone’s time (or it could, depending on the purpose of the paper.)  There is more to a paper then just reporting on the topic they chose or were assigned to write about.

The writers themselves put their own ideals, emotions they currently feel on the topic, and they can even sometimes express their unconscious thoughts on the subject that could invoke more questions that could continue their own research into the topic to find more answers or even discover new findings on the subject.  When the audience then reads the paper, you are not simply just telling a story.  You create a connection with the audience that will read your paper.  When you write and publish something for the world to see, you give them a doorway into your own personal world.  You give the world an option to takeGif stock in what you believe and gives them thought on a subject they may or may not have heard about but know nothing about it.  You could give someone the inspiration they needed to complete their own work, and possibly set them on a new path of writing.  You could be reporting on a subject that affects the community and give them information to help navigate the problem.

As writers, we must always consider what we want our paper to share.  The audience that we are trying to target will judge more than just what we have written.  They will judge the topic itself based of your report and will judge your skills as a writer after each piece you create.  So we must be accurate, we must provide credit where credit is due, and we must be thorough in our investigations so that we report factual information clearly and correctly.


Work Cited:

US National Archives GIF. accessed via giphy.com accessed 11/20/2022, https://giphy.com/gifs/baby-story-reading-8dYmJ6Buo3lYY

Bazerman, Charles. “Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning To Be Reconstructed By The Reader.” accessed via D2L Required Reading Week 4 11/20/2021,  https://myd2l.lcc.edu/d2l/le/content/228135/viewContent/5855449/View

Embs, Mason. “Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning To Be Reconstructed By The Reader.” blog post via “All Writers Have More To Learn” accessed on 11/20/2021,  https://lesliecjohnson.openlcc.net/awhmtl/wp-admin/post.php?post=8850&action=edit