Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader

In the reading “Writing Expressed and Shares Meaning to Be Reconstructed by the Reader” written by Charles Bazerman was very interesting. Charles focused on how to really get to our emotions to effect how we read things. I believe he focuses on how to think in many different ways when writing. in writing everyone who writes has to remember that everyone brains work different and to learn how to write and develop our thoughts. I believe that Charles has a way of connecting to each of us on another level. Charles is trying to have us realize that us as writers need to write towards our audience. when writing towards any audience weather that is a 5th grade class or a college English professor, you have to be able to connect with you audience on a intellectual and emotional level.

writing can have an effect your emotions for many people in many different ways. For example when I am passionate about something and I write about that particular topic I tend to express emotions in my writing, rather than when I have to write about a topic I don’t want to write about or have no interest about I show very little emotion. In the article you can see that Charles has writes about how both motivation and emotion comes into play. Charles states in the first paragraph  by writing “we can articulate and communicate a thought, desire, emotion, observation, directive, or state of affairs to the ourselves through the median of written words.” I believe that Charles is stating no matter what emotion, desire, or thought we will reach someone in our writing.

Bazerman has also talked about writing awareness. Bazerman stated “Awarness that meaning is not transparently available in written words may have the paradoxical effect of increasing out commitment to words as we mature as users of written language”. I Believe that Bazerman is referring to maturing as a writer, weather that is emotionally, or learning how to develop our thoughts to reach the level we need to write at us as writers need to be able to advance our word choice, development of sentence structure, and writing length. Bazerman has stated that maturity as a writer is one of the biggest learning difficulties as a student. if you as a writer cannot develop as a writer then writing will be difficult for you to get any sort of advanced level job.

Charles Bazerman

Charles Bazerman