Writing Expressed and Shares To be Reconstructed by the Reader

By writing, we articulate and communicate thoughts, desires, emotion, observation, directives of a state of affairs to ourselves and others through the medium of words.

In the article ” Writing Expressed and Shares To be Reconstructed by the Reader” written by Charles Bazerman, Charles talks about the ways writing expresses and shares meaning as well as articulate and communicate through writing that talks about how sentences written into a story can bring out certain feelings and deep emotions in different individuals when writing.

Charles Bazerman states that “by writing, we articulate and communicate thoughts, desires, emotion, observation, directives of a state of affairs to ourselves and others through the medium of words”. Writing helps shape content of our communication and express meanings in writings that help give writers thoughts clearer and shareable with readers. Expressing how we communicate through writing helps make sense of words as well as constructing attributes to the writing that help readers understand what writers are trying to get across. An author makes stories based on their thoughts and experiences; while the reader can only interpret and decipher the author’s meaning from the words they see written.


Writers don’t always make clear understanding of what they’re trying to get across to their readers because  writers are faced with this possibility of misinterpretation risks their texts convey to readers something different than what the writer intended and feedback from readers may indicate that the writer’s words do not convey what the writer had hoped. This makes it hard sometimes for readers to comprehend, since readers can’t read the writer’s minds only the words that attribute meanings. Meanings don’t reside in words of the text, only in the dynamic relation of the writer, readers and text where that dynamic between them comes into play that writers need to remain aware that meanings do not fully reside in the words of the text and unarticulated minds.

Reflection is very critical so that writers can discover in what ways their message delivery failed and to draw connections to how their message was improperly reconstructed to the reader.

especially when Charles stated” As readers we may increase our attention to reconstructing the writers”. Charlie Bazerman emphasizes how important it is to capture your reader’s attention, and how you must paint the clearest of pictures to truly get your point across writing gives anxiety sometimes especially if a writer is struggling to try to get their point across and want to make sure their readers have a clear understanding as possible of what they are trying to convey.