Writers Must Start Somewhere: This Leads to Success

Failure is the most important part of writing. As talked about in  “Failure Can be an Important part of Writing Development” , Collin Brooke and Allison Carr, The first step of success is failure. For example, riding a bike. As a kid learning how to ride a bike was quite difficult.  Most kids fail at their first attempt, such as falling off the bike; this may lead to a child wanting to give up. In order for that child to succeed they have to find the rhythm in the motion of the bike. Finding the rhythm sets the child on their way to success. Therefore, as writer’s we start with our first drafts. First drafts are the writer’s first piece of writing which normally needs to be revised. To begin the first draft the writer has to find the rhythm, similar to riding a bike, of how they want their writing to be. “Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere” (Lamott 1995,303). While working on a first draft, writers usually rant about what they are trying to say, this is why revision comes into place. Revision is the editing of a paper, this helps put the pieces together, and form a good written paper. Revision takes a lot of effort from the writer, reading the writing over again, fixing all the mistakes made. 

Next, one of the biggest mistakes students make while writing is following their teachers’ requirements. Students care more about their grades than how well their paper is written. Students worrying about their grades can have an impact on their actual writing skills. This is why many teachers believe that their students aren’t putting their best foot forward. Most people begin writing when they start school. This is why school has a big effect on students when it comes to writing. The more passionate a student is about their writing the more effort they put into it. The way students are taught is how they become the writers they are now. The teachers are the beginning of a student’s success. As stated in “Failure Can be an Important Part of Writing Development”(Brooke and Carr), “They must have the opportunity to try, to fail, and to learn from those failures as a means of intellectual growth”. Learning writing skills help people out in the real world, these skills are the road to success.