Writers’ Backgrounds Vary: Keeping an Open Mind

While most people are aware of how different everyones individual background is, the ways in which this can affect one’s writing is not often thought about. In “Writers’ Histories, Processes, and Identities Vary,” Kathleen Blake Yancey explains this concept by writing, “Each writer is a combination of the collective set of different dimensions and traits and features that make us human.” This greatly emphasizes the importance of our own unique identities on our writing processes. This makes it important to consider other writers’ backgrounds when reading their works, because it is very possible that they will write in a different way than we do. However, this does not mean one way is right and the other is wrong, as there are endless different techniques to accomplish the same writing task.

Each writer is a combination of the collective set of different dimensions and traits and features that make us human.

Prior knowledge or experience in writing also makes a big difference in writing techniques. In “Writing is Informed by Prior Experience,” Andrea A. Lunsford explains how writers often call upon their prior experience when approaching a new writing task. This can help them because it gives them some idea of where to start working, however it can also work against them because the strategies a writer used in a prior task may not be applicable to their next piece. In this case, it can be helpful to look at the ways in which others have approached similar tasks to help develop a better idea of the expectations associated with it.

It is always ideal to go into reading or writing a new piece with an open mind. When reading things others’ have written, it is crucial to understand that their background and prior experience may cause them to write in a way different than what you are accustomed to. However, it could be one of the most beautiful pieces you will ever read, which you would never know if y0u decided not to read because of the different style. When writing a piece in a new genre, it is important to force yourself out of you comfort zone. Even if you have no idea where to start, you will learn much better when you push yourself. This may lead to a very rough first attempt, but the final product will likely be much higher quality than if you had stuck to your old ways.

Cartoon brain holding a sign that says "New Idea Welcome"

Alex Garcia / Daily Nexus


Overall, it is very important to step outside your comfort zone in all areas when developing your literary skills. Without doing so, you will not grow to become the best writer possible. It is equally important to keep an open mind, as there is always more to learn, even from those who vary greatly from yourself. While this may be a difficult practice, it is critical in all learning and development, especially writing.