revising is the key to writing

failure can be an important part of writing development by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr speaks about in the process of writing their is lots of revision involved to get to your final product they also explain that it’s common for people to dislike or not be very good at writing because it is a trait you do not get naturally, you have to try and try again and experience failure to learn from it. often times students attempt to strictly focus on exactly what the teacher is asking for in hopes they get it correct first try, the most valuable information a writer can learn is that failure creates the best chance for improvement.

in this video provided Obert Skye explains the importance of revision and how it is given us the ability to get the best product out that we can get, in his words he explains the 5th step as revision and how 87% of the population does not like the process of revision. we write words for the benefit of us personally and we revise for others to read.

failing at something can be great, as it gives you more ideas and possibly a easier way to do something you didn’t see before, writing is the same way as revision provides yourself with better ways to create sentences and will help you will all your next papers. think of revision as working out and each time you finish revising the first time that could almost be looked at as there first set in a workout. and as you do more sets more normally you begin to become stronger just like you would be getting better at writing.

revision is the spine of writing as you will never get to your goal or wherever you are planning on going if you don’t do it, college professors expect you to revise, maybe even 3 or 4 times if that’s what it takes to get to the college expectations.

“Revision literally means to “see again,” to look at something from a fresh, critical perspective. It is an ongoing process of rethinking the paper: reconsidering your arguments, reviewing your evidence, refining your purpose, reorganizing your presentation, reviving stale prose.”

this picture provided shows a picture of the brain working out as I’m comparing revision to working out but for the brain. although it may not seem like it each time you rewrite you learn some knowledge weather it helped you or not. all knowledge can be considered good knowledge if not e everyone knows it because then it makes it valuable,

this picture was provided because although a dumbbell way weigh a lot more they both have the same purpose, to help improve parts of the body while weights cover your physical appearance the pencil can be though of as a weight or something to help grow your mental capacity stronger. your paper is the gym room and your weight is the pencil now all it takes is to be determined and self disciplined so that you take the time to help yourself improve.