Revising Is Best If You Want Success

In the reading “Revision is Central to Developing Writing” Doug Downs explains how revising one’s writing will always make your writing better. In no way will revising downgrade a writing. Doug explains how writing is not something that can be perfect. Writing does not come naturally and isn’t a natural thing to do.  When you revise Doug has an example that revising is like the headlights being able to see better as to what point you are trying to make. Doug also states how a writer should get feedback from someone other than their self. The article explains how we should teach the writers to rely on revising. 

From this passage I learned how revising really does help and how if I want to be a better writer I need to always revise my writings. I have noticed that my revised essays have been 100% better than my first draft. If everyone was to rely on revising they would see how much better and easier it would be to explain the topic you are trying to write about. Revising never has made anything worse for me or the writings I’ve done. 

This will be my second time redoing this writing and I already see things I can make better. After learning and reading more into how when writing you always start with a first draft and this draft will always be able to be improved. Writing is also not a natural thing like speaking or breathing. Writing will never be natural, even though some people may be better than others, it will always depend on you, as the writer, and how much work you want to put into one’s work. 

When it comes to becoming an actual author, one would need to write the book. Get feedback from others, which helps with having other opinions on the writing. Others may see mistakes or things that the author has not thought of.  Having the book edited, this step I feel is the most important part, whatever an author is putting out for the world to see will want to be as close to perfect as it can be. Then finally the book is ready to be  published. 

If an author was to put out the first draft of their writings out many authors would not have been as successful as they are. Since the author went through the whole process of being successful and having their writings as close to perfect as they can.

As you read more on revising you’ll see how much revising helps you and will make your writings more successful than if a writer was to not. I advise and highly recommend revising all essays and even redoing other things in life such as cooking. I feel like what ever you do a second time will always be better then the first time. Practice makes prefect.