Learning and Practicing the Ways of Writing

Practice makes Progress | The Broadway Warm-Up

Writing is a process that involves constant learning and development of skills. Many authors and teachers of writing use the term “threshold concept.” This term shows up in both “All Writers Have More to Learn” by Shirley Rose and “Learning to Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time, and Effort” by Kathleen Blake Yancey. The phrase “threshold concept” is described as different ways of understanding or learning that is required in order to move forward.

“All Writers Have More to Learn” written by Shirley Rose explains the idea that no matter how long you have been writing, and no matter the skill level, “all writers have more to learn.” Rose expresses that writers discover what skills and strategies work for their writing in some contexts, but will be useless in other contexts. However, she also notes that some things used in a certain context can be helpful in different contexts as well. The text emphasizes the process of learning as you write, meaning the more you write the more you learn; while also keeping in mind the threshold concept.

Likewise, Kathleen Blake Yancey discusses the effects of practice and the threshold concept in her short piece “Learning to Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time, and Effort.” The main focus of the text are the different types of practice and what they provide for the writer. For example, Yancey states that practice can produce fluidity and refine technique. She also discusses the fact that practice can be done in various forms and environments, as well as with different people. Altogether, the text relays the message that practice is crucial to becoming a better writer.

I feel as if everyone in a writing class should learn the information that is presented within the two texts. I believe that students often think that what they know about writing applies to everything they will write, however this is false. Students must realize that if they wish to continue to grow in their writing they need to learn and practice more. Author Shirley Rose notes, “writers never cease learning to write, never completely perfect their writing ability, as long as they encounter new or unfamiliar life experiences that require or inspire writing.” This quote demonstrates the concept that a writer needs to continue the development and practice of their skills if they wish to proceed with their writing journey. I find these two readings to be very valuable and helpful, especially for someone who might be struggling when it comes to confidence in their writing.

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