Learn From Your Mistakes

Collin Brooke and Allison Carr “ Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” states that failure is an important part of successful writing. Students have to experience failures because it leads to important growth in writers. People tend to forget that writers don’t write perfect first drafts because the readings are already revised and edited. When writing in school, students usually try to avoid failures because they don’t want it to affect their grades. But them avoiding failures stops them from the learning process. Writers must go through failures to learn from the mistakes to successfully create the final draft.

According to Collin Brooke and Allison Carr “ They must have the opportunity to try, to fail, and to learn from those failures as a means of intellectual growth.” Writers shouldn’t look at their writing “mistakes” as failure. We should look at them as a learning experience. It is normal for writers to have multiple drafts before they can achieve their final one. Even the most successful writers experience failures but they tread on. Most writings that do end up in our lap are the writer’s final draft. So we should not discourage ourselves by thinking that perfect first drafts exist. Teachers, writers, and students should understand that failure while writing are just stepping stones towards the “perfect first draft”.

For instance, Joanne Kathleen Rowling, also known as J.K Rowling, is the author of the famous book series, Harry potter. According to Kristian Colyard, a books feature writer at Bustle, It took her six years to write the first book out of the Harry Potter series. If she were able to write the perfect first draft, I’m sure it would not have taken her that long. Bridget McNulty, a published author, listed five writing tips from J.K Rowling. One of the tips was rewriting your work. McNulty stated that Rowling “rewrote the opening chapter of her first book a total of fifteen times”. Writers need to take the risks despite the failures. Mistakes are inevitable so it is up to the writer to learn from it. According to Cosmopolitan, over 500 million copies of the Harry Potter books. Rowling took the risks and all the failures by the hand and is now a millionaire. In retrospect, no one is perfect so creating a perfect first draft we be impossible. Even though it is impossible on the first attempt, continuing to make an effort and learning from the multiple drafts filled with mistakes, will eventually lead to success.