Failure Is The Greatest Teacher

In Collin Brooke’s and Allison Carr’s article they discuss how failure helps aid and give a leg up on future success for that writer. They go on to discuss how some of the best and most successful writers do not write the most pretty first drafts. The authors also go on to speak about how students in certain instances adopt tunnel vision on the teacher’s guidelines. They are so focused on getting it right the first time and checking all the boxes that the teachers want they fail to be creative and are okay with screwing up. However, this principle is not just true for writing it is true for life. In the writing, the authors mention J.K Rowling the author of the Harry Potter series. They speak about how forthcoming she is about how failing massively before she wrote the Harry Potter series.

This success is a combination of a couple of things. Firstly being able to deal with failure as the authors have discussed throughout this whole article. Secondly, a love for what you are doing if you do not love the thing you are failing at there is little to keep you upheld and moving ahead. Some of the most successful and decorated people in their field started late or did not have such a clear-cut path to their copious amounts of success. This is why they succeed so greatly most people only see the tip of the iceberg above the water and not everything below the water.

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In addition to this, there is not a field that people want to succeed that failure does not teach them more about themselves than success does. As the authors said in the article “One of the most important things students can learn is failure is an opportunity for growth.” (Brooke and Carr) Throughout the entirety of the article, both authors provide multiple reasons and real examples both through other successful people and their own life experiences and it proves an interesting topic. This article and topic are one people of all walks of life should consider and integrate into their life.

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