Being the Best Reader and Writer, That One Can Be

In the article “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” by John Duffy, he explains how writing creates a relationship between the reader and writer and the ethical choices that are made by both parties.  By making the correct ethical choices as the writer, it may help create a better understanding for the reader, helping grow the relationship between the two.

As a writer, there are many things you must achieve in order to gain trust and create a solid bond with readers. Ethical decisions in your writing will be the determining factor on who you are as a writer and how well you may connect with your audience.  Some of those ethical choices include being honest and correct in your work, as well as being original to yourself in your writing.

Building trust in any relationship begins with being honest and telling the truth.  Building a relationship between a reader and writer begins the same way.  Being honest to a reader can come in many forms, one being, showing the other side to your argument and being correct in everything that you are getting across.

Originality in an author is what separates good authors from greats.  Every avid reader has their favorite author because they are original in their own way.  Whether it be the way you write or the way you cover topics or opinions.  Being original to yourself in your writing, helps the reader create a bond to the writer.  It is what will have people coming back to that author in later times looking for a good read.

As a reader, being respectful of the writer and their opinions is one of the greater ethical responsibilities.  Being a respectful reader can also come in many forms, as one should never knock on another piece solely based on who they are or what their standpoint on the topic may be.  Keeping an open mind when reading someone else’s piece will help you gain knowledge from a different standpoint.  Another responsibility a reader has is to acknowledge whether the author is giving up proper information or handing out propaganda.

Being an ethically responsible reader and writer is not an entirely hard thing to accomplish.  Being honest with yourself and others is what will help yourself and others learn about different topics.  As writing was never meant to be judged on who you are or what you believe in, but as to what the text is saying.

(A reader keeping an open mind to authors writing)