Writing is the way to express and share the true meaning to be reconstructed by the reader.

“Writing is the way to express and share the true meaning to be reconstructed by the reader” is base on finding ways to express our emotion by communicating our feeling through our writing. According to Charles Bazerman, an American educator, and scholar, “by expressing and sharing meanings to be reconstructed, the reader can be troublesome.” “Writing can be both relational and receptive.” The idea of ​​connecting the writer with the different emotions expressed through reading leads them to immerse themselves in true feelings of what the reader is reading. Writing leads to establish a connection related to the creation of transmitting the primary meaning that the writer wants others to read from his reading. He shows that the writer may know ​​who is interested in reading his writing through the ideas and feelings embodied in that writing. The importance of writing to express different feelings shows that, through it, we create that connection with the audience. It is why scripts must be clear and understandable, since it can create confusion for the reader, and in that way, he or she may find himself lost at that moment. Sometimes without expecting it, the writer is recognized for the incredible impact that his writing has created on the people. Today school academy teachers encourage students to develop methods and ways to build over time to improve their writing. Writing leads us to express and communicate our emotions.
Many of these emotions show different feelings in our writing. The purpose is that others can enjoy what they are reading, showing the reader what kind of emotions the writer wants to express; it can be sadness, joy, or fear. It leads the audience to immerse themselves in the main point of reading, creating a present moment that allows the readers to experience at that very moment. Writing guides us to numerous ways of communicating. Today society has developed various communication methods. We can find multiple and more direct routes that can help us transfer these forms of communication. First, we think about what we want to say, and then we write those thoughts mixed with emotions that are converted into stories that convey the true meaning behind the reading. By time without us imagining ourselves, we are developing our writing to a level of improvement, which helps us become better writers. It also helps us be observant of our ideas, of the right reasons we express what we want when we are writing, showing us how capable we are to write. As Charles Bazerman said, as readers, we may increase our attention to reconstructing writers.”


Blanca Rosa



Writing expresses and shares meaning to be reconstructed by the reader