“Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices” Revision, Evan Jackson

  • Three ethical responsibilities that we all have as writers are to report from a place of “honesty, accuracy, fairness, and accountability.” These four traits show that as a writer, you are open-minded about the world around you, and insinuates that the writer is not biased. A writer also has a responsibility to question the audience they are addressing’s ethical choices simultaneously such as how they treat others and how influencing individuals on how to live their own lives simultaneously. In doing so, we must not determine what is ethical or unethical and let the reader decide. A writer must think in regards to how their words will affect their readers; and the messages the audience will carry with them as well. 
  • As a reader, just like as a writer, it is essential to know that you have specific ethical responsibilities as a reader; such as trying to make sense of the writing and how it engages us not only with ourselves but the author as well. We all must understand what the author is asking of us in their text and what they are trying to teach us ethically. Lastly, as a reader, we need to reflect upon the side of the argument we feel drawn to as a reader,  and not blindly decide, but absorb what we are reading and conclude.

I chose the responsibilities of non-bias in a writer’s argument because it reflects what writers should be expected to provide to their audience,  and tends to be a significant point, even a main idea,  that the author keeps referencing back to in the article. Non-bias also ties into the other end of a writer from moral responsibility in opposition just reporting the facts. A writer’s words affecting a reader despite this is key to understanding your point and moving your readers to a place of reasoning where you can persuade them while still being unbiased. As far as readers’ responsibilities, it was much harder to find information. The reason why I chose to report on understanding what the writer intended for their audience is due to the fact that to understand an article, you must know what it was designed for, and this can help you have an overall broader understanding of it. This train of thought also encompasses us, making our conclusions. Although we need to know its intended purpose, we even must understand the meaning of the article in our reflections.