Writing Has Evolved Throughout The Years And Is Still Not Natural

In “Writing Is Not Natural” Dylan B. Dryer expresses his main point about how writing has changed and has become more complicated and has also gained more importance. Because of new advances in technology people have gained access to a wide variety of content dealing with effective ways to write and who they want to see their writing. In the first sentence the author says, ” People can also return to writing over and over, revise is and shape it relatively easily (though more easily with a word processor than a quill pen or a chisel!) This evidence is important because it shows how writing has evolved over time due to technology.

After reading this essay I related a lot of moments in my life to this essay. I can’t remember the first time I started to write but I remember learning cursive in third grade. It was kind of like learning how to write again because some letters don’t look like the originals. When my teacher would teach this it for sure took a lot of practice. Just like everything in the world things take practice. Cursive writing was not natural to begin but with muscle memory it became second hand. I was taught how to write cursive in the third grade. This was the point in my life where I thought I needed to be good at everything so I would end up getting mad which seems unnecessary now. Dylan talks about this in his essay. He says,  “It’s useful to remember that writing is not natural because writers tend to judge their writing processes too harshly” (Dryer). This is present when I write because the most I write is when I text people. This makes it harder to write naturally because I always want to write like I text. It’s hard to do so because people my age have a different vocabulary than people who grew up 40 years ago.

Writing isn’t hard just because of the language people use but it is also about the ideas people are able to come up with. The most common problem I have when I can write about anything is writers block. It is best for me to have a topic given to me instead of just letting me write about anything. Throughout high school there were a lot of time where there was no topic I had to write about. These times were the toughest because I could sit there for hours and not think of anything. With the things going on in the world today I can think of lots to write about.

Writing has never been natural for anyone so one thing to keep in mind is that everyone started somewhere and you should never be too hard on yourself.

Image result for gif about writers block

Image result for gif about the difference between writing today and how it was 40 years ago