Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader

Meaning of Words

The words you write make your viewers process your writing in different ways. For example, if you were to write “The dog died”, there is not any emotion attached to it. Instead, if your wrote “The dog whimpered as it took it’s last few breaths”, the reader can interpret that the dog is sad or that the dog is in pain. Same thing goes for observations. If a writer wrote, “She looked pretty”, all the wording says is that the girl is pretty. A better way for a writer to say the girl looked pretty is, “Her hair was silky and her smile was like seeing the stars for the first time. Looking at her made me blush.” The writing illustrates an image or an idea on just how pretty the girl was. The words create meaning and draw the reader in.


Understanding vs. Feeling

When readers read the text they will never feel exactly as how the writer did. They understand simply because they do have emotions. However, the readers can only understand the feelings vs. have those feelings because they were not present with the writer. Writing comes from internal events. You may have been to a wedding and it was a great one, but all weddings are different. You yourself did not experience the same wedding even if it was a great wedding as the author. Another example would be, at some point in your life you will get your first car. Say you were 16 when you got your car. The car was brand new and exactly the one you wanted. Getting a first car for someone else might be after they saved enough money for it. They could be 17 or 18 and the car could be not the greatest. The first and second person have completely different experiences that deal with getting their first cars.

Meaningful work

Writing is personal because of the emotions and experiences that writers consciously or subconsciously write about. Writing can be extremely personal. Often writers keep their most personal writings hidden away. For example, during the holocaust Anne Frank wrote a journal. The journal had to be kept away not only because of the living situations for the Jewish people but, probably because it was very personal for her.  Anne probably did not openly talk about what she wrote nor let anyone view her journal.


Works Cited

Bazeman, Charles. “Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader.” Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be Reconstructed by the Reader, pp. 1-3.