Writing Effectively Takes Different Kinds of Practice, Effort, and Time

“All Writers have more to learn,” by Shirley Rose, talks about how we as individuals have the ability to write but it’s how we learn to grow and better ourselves. There is always a time for improvement and the point where you are at for writing does not define you or you’re writing abilities. There are many different writing styles that a writer can learn and develop upon. “Learning to Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time, and Effort,” by Kathleen Yancey talks about the practice every writer has tp face when it comes to writing. Both of these articles talks about the same thing on how a writer can improve and what it takes to learn and grow. Learning to write takes time and plenty of practice and is not something that one can just master over night. For some individuals, it can be harder to master the art of writing but putting a good amount of effort and time in their writing. But with a good amount of time, Practice, and effort a persons writing can improve immensely.

One thing that teachers can do with students is to have the students practice their writing in different ways and styles. Practicing different kinds of writing is very important to get out of your comfort zone and to experiment what kinds of writing you enjoy. They also need to work with them and offer help more to students that need it. Some students might need some extra time and that is perfectly okay. Learning something new can be challenging and may need some extra help from the teacher.

What writing students need to do is to be open about learning different techniques. We cannot shut ourselves down when we get a bad grade or review. We all have to have an open mind and trust the process.

What I think colleges do is offer extra help. In community colleges, there are more recourses that can help with you individually. Offering more help to students that need it and if a teacher is noticing struggle in a student offer them resources that could help them.

One way k-12 education should change is have students take college like classes to prepare them. Normally, seniors have a “easy” year and blow off their work but there should be classes to help them understand the college work load and what to expect when they get to college.