Writing Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time, and Effort

In “All Writers Have More to Learn” by Shirley Rose and in “Learning to Write Effectively Requires Different Kinds of Practice, Time, and Effort.” by Kathleen Blake Yancey both talk about the importance of writing, and practicing it. When learning the writing process you should first try and understand the different genres and the style of writing needed for them. It is easy to just stick with one style and write about it. However when you understand and are able to write in other genres, you are able to grow more as a writer, expand your ideas, and challenge your writing process. Not only should you know how to write in different genres, but you should be taught the different techniques it takes to do so. Trying out new forms of writing takes time and practice. Reading different styles, practicing, and revising these over and over will help you become a more well rounded writer. Books, magazines, and articles are all different styles of writing, and need different writing techniques. By reading different books, magazines, and articles you are subconsciously learning different ways in which you can write. Expanding your knowledge of writing will allow you to mature your skills, and develop better techniques. Everyone should be versatile in different genres, techniques, and ways in which you write. 

In K-12 education students are working their way through the writing process. They are finding out what skills and techniques are needed to be prepared for college level writing. From a young age we have been introduced to all different genres, and forms of writing through books, magazines, and articles. Everyone is taught about genres of writing, however the educational systems struggle with letting students have writing freedoms in order to expand their knowledge of these different styles. In order for students to fully be prepared for the writing needed in college our K-12 literature departments should allow for longer periods in which teachers could help us better our understanding of the writing process. Classrooms should allow for more open discussions of these topics, and give their students the chance to write in all different forms so that they can practice, and take the time needed to grow their abilities. Diversification of students’ academic courses in literature would benefit future generations of writers greatly. Therefore opening them up to new ideas will not only increase their performance, and abilities, but it will teach them about the variety of ways in which they can write out their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and stories. All writers have more to learn, and the sooner we start teaching this idea, the sooner their writing becomes more effective.