Writing Effectively is Something you Learn.

In both “All writers have more to learn” by Shirley Rose and “Learning to write effectively requires different kinds of practice, time and effort” by Kathleen Blake Yancey are two different reading that focus on the same message, which is explaining that writing takes time. Roses states in her passage that writing is not something you learn quick, it takes time. Writing is a subject where when you practice you’re improving and learning from your mistakes. There are different ways of writing.

The different forms of writing you will learn and apply to your writing, doing so will make your writing effective. In the writing by Yancey, she states that writing effectively is from looking over past work and working with that to make your writing better. A way to improve on your writing is to take  the feedback from peers and having a better eye when revising your work yourself.

Both writing are important when in writing class, they both show different ways to improve as a writers. It also show that your not alone as a writer if you feel your struggling, there is someone that’s just like you. Practice makes perfect, so the more you revise and practice the techniques to make your writing better you will succeed in writing. I think teachers should encourage students to have a shitty first draft, allowing them to let loose of all the thoughts and ideas in there brain. Once all the craziness is out they can focus on the main topic of what they are writing.

I personally think that writing is critical to becoming a good reader. Writing  is an essential job skill. It is the primary basis upon which one’s work, learning, and intellect will be judged—in college, in the work place and in the community. …  Writing  fosters our ability to explain and refine our ideas to others and ourselves.

“Effective Writing is writing which has a logical flow of ideas and is cohesive'” This means it holds together well because there are links between sentences and paragraphs. Writing which is cohesive works as a unified whole and is easy to follow because it uses language effectively to maintain a focus and to keep the reader ‘on track’. This type of writing can be achieved or improved through the use of a number of devices. Some of these devices are MACRO or whole text devices while some are MICRO or more detailed devices for improving the effectiveness and cohesiveness of your writing.
