Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creates Audiences More Then Ever With The Internet

In “Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creates Audiences” by Andrea A. Lunsford states that writing is both relational and responsive which then refers to the “…rhetorical triangle, which has at each points a key element in the creation and interpretation of meaning: writer(speaker, rhetor), audience (receiver, listener, reader), and text (message)…” That connects with Walter Ong “The Writer’s Audience is Always a Fiction.” Which goes on and talks about how the digital age has opened up new needs to consider the writer’s audience because writers will assume that their writing will be read on way but there is no proof that it will be. Especially seeing that the digital age a writer could not “only address and invoke but also create audiences…” With the possibility of creating a new audience and a new way of communicating between the writer and the audience, it is shifting and changing the rhetorical triangle leading writers with new questions to ask themself.

I have learned that writing is not how it was years ago. As time went by and technology grew and so did ways of communication between writers and readers. Instead of reading a book or a newspaper, you can find copies of them online. There is no waiting for the paper to be delivered or for a book to come to your state. People can now read a book and newspaper and so much more at any time with the touch of their fingertips. This now makes it difficult for writers to imagine their audience because they could just create a new audience due to the sheer size of the internet. The internet could also recommend similar styles of reading to the user. Which could leaded to the discover of a new writer. Rather an old writer or a never heard of before writer.

There are also new ways of reading. Audiobooks, Audiobooks have become more and more popular as time has passed by. Audiobooks are even easier than hard copies of writing and online copies of books even though and audio is still classified as an online copy there are no words to read. Making so that the readers came do other tasks as they listen to the story. So writers also have to think about rather or not to do an audiobook or have someone else read it and make sure they are using the right tones and feeling behind the words as the writer wanted. So now not only do writer have to worry about readers not fully understang the message but now they also have to thinks about how it comes across when somone read it. Making it harder for the writer but it also give the writers opportunites to have their work read all over the world by many people.