There is more to just writing.

Writing can be and do so much for a person without even thinking about. You involve writing in different aspects that you do. If it is writing an essay, writing a book, writing a letter, pretty much anything in particular. Do not get me wrong writing can get boring, or you can find it boring because you are not enjoying what you are writing or you just do not find writing enjoyable. In order to try and enjoy it you should write about what you like, or just free write without any topic or reason, it is just going to be for your enjoyment.

When I would write in school, I did not enjoy it much. My English teacher would make use read books of course, for example Beawolf. After reading the book we would have to write an essay even if it was not based of the book we read. Now when I still have to write I enjoy it a tad bit, just because the requirements that we have to do for that writing piece. Unless it is a topic or I am in a good about the writing that I will enjoy it. You just got be open about writing or anything that you do. What I like more it free writing, or when I can pick anything to write about, when you dont have to follow certain requirements, you just keep on writing and writing until you think you are done. Although, writing was something I had been interested in, there is just so much to it, everything is interesting to me if I am being honest, but I am talking about writing at the moment, that can be another topic.

“Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you’ve been to college.”
–Kurt Vonnegut Jr.A Man Without a Country

Kevin Roozen was the writer for the essay “Writing Is a Social and Rhetorical Activity” which is one of my favorites out of the book Naming what we know. The book has different types of essays or helpful parts to understand what writing is all about. It helps by giving you an idea on writing and what are the authors perspective on writing, how it works, and what others think of writing. It was nice reading different ones because it gave me a bit more of an understanding on what others think, like the authors.

Roozen claimed the way writers write and how readers read, shows who they ate what they have written. How there are trying to get in contact with the readers but connecting with themselves by being engaging. Says what a writer does in order show purposes audiences need to read or see upon other people like responding to the influences many people with projects they do. Showing the activity in writing by how we write or giving an explanation what we are writing. Everyone is connected somehow, so you dont necessarily stand alone, yet we see ourselves alone by our individual selves.

Reading this article made me see somethings I did not know yet. Well, Like there are people who write things down on a diary, a journal, a computer, and a piece of paper. That does mot mean you are a writer, you could be jotting down ideas or experiences, anything you want. “No matter how isolated a writer may seem as she sits at her computer, types on the touchpad of her smartphone, or makes notes on a legal pad,  she is always drawing upon the ideas and experiences of countless others.” (Roozen 17) Meaning, a person might seem alone, but she really is not because she relies on other to help her on the writing, or giving her ideas what she could be writing about. Though those methods to write down ideas they have for their next writing piece is good. Also, they have influences  that help the writer to do next because reading, then writing might give them some ideas what they can do on a next writing piece. Pretty much, a writer does what the reader thinks would be good, also focuses on the readers and trying to do good in their writing.

Why might this seem to even read or listen about ? You never know if the information can help you understand the writing you do not enjoy doing, and what other purposes that writing has for you. If you get more into writing, then you can see what good there is and how good it can be to write. It can always turn out to be one of your favorite things to do.


I, me, myself
