The success from failures

Collin Brooke and Allison Carr deliberate the ultimate message in the article, “Failure Can Be an Important Part of Writing Development” There is no such thing as perfect, no matter how much effort you put in or how long somthing takes, you will never have a “Perfect” first draft. Both writers show us that no one can have an absolutely perfect first draft no matter who is writing.  As a writer, your published draft consist of a lot of editing and revisions. Writing is not somthing that you can just pick up and be perfect at. To become a good writer you have to put in the time and effort to learn where you went wrong and how you can make yourself better. When doing revisions on your writing you might not be happy with how it looks after revising it one time. Some writing pieces might take two or three revisions to get to where it needs to be.

I chose this GIF because this is a great example of how failure can try and bring you down and not make you motivated to keep going. With writing you are going to make a lot of mistakes, some worse than others. What makes you a better writer is when you fail as bad as you can fail and you keep moving forward, you fix the mistakes and make your writing piece the best it can be.

Carr and Brooke tell us how you can’t be scared to fail, that’s what makes you a good writer. Having failure can honestly be the best thing for you. It gives you the opportunity to sit and think about the mistakes that you have done and allows your brain to come up with solutions to your problems. Trying new things can be supper difficult, especially with writing. Failure is somthing that you can’t be afraid of, if you don’t take your chances or shots at writing, then you will never grow as a writer and will be far behind everyone who is taking the chances an correcting their failures.

I chose this GIF because having failure at the beginning of somthing makes the end result feel so much better when you are successful. No matter how many times you fail on your journey of writing your final result is all that matters. If you fail, keep going until you are happy with your writing piece.  It might take multiple attempts and a lot of headaches but when you get to a point where your writing piece is somthing that you are proud of and successful, all the hard work pays off.  Failure comes in many different forms when creating a perfect writing piece, going through your failures is what makes you who you are as a writer.