Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices

A strong writer must always know what their next choice is going to be when it comes to writing. Every decision a writer makes must be thought through in order to achieve a good piece. A good piece of writing will always connect the reader to the writer. However, it all starts with the way the writer decides to connect with the reader. The writer must understand and decide what they want their audience to know, how they will get their audience to understand, and what their audience may take away from the writing.

I agree with what John Duffy has to say. You should always want to connect with your audience. When a reader decides to read a piece from a writer, i believe they are looking for that connection with the writer. So as a writer you should carefully decide what you want your reader to connect with and how you will make that connection in a positive way.

via GIPHY 

So many choices when it comes to writing..

In “Writing Involves Making Ethical Choices“, John Duffy explains how writing is always about making the right choices and how making the wrong choices can affect our writing and our readers.

“Writing is equally an activity that involves ethical choices that arise from the relationship of writer and reader”

John explains how you can effectively build a relationship with your reader as long as you follow the correct ethical choices. There are plenty of ethical choices that you should consider when writing in order to engage your reader and build a relationship. If a writer chooses to not consider these ethical choices, their writing may lack that connection that they want with their reader. A reader will not be satisfied with a piece they cannot connect with on an ethical level, and therefore the writer’s piece will not be successful.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as writers?

  • be sure to be clear about what we are saying
  • understand our audience and what they need to hear from us
  • think about how they may perceive what we are saying, and whether it is positive or negative.

What are three ethical responsibilities we have as readers?

  •  How are we going to perceive the information?
  • How do we feel about the writer?
  • Do we trust what the writer is telling us?


It is always about making the right decision or dealing with the consequences.