rhetorical situations revisons by Amber Smith

“Writing Is A Social And Rhetorical Activity” talks about how people use social and rhetorical writing in pharmaceutical, diaries, birthday cards, etc. Writers also pertain their writing to particular audiences that are interested in certain styles of reading/writing. Some of the rhetorical things that pharmaceutical companies talk about are dosages, side affects that consumers need to know before taking the medication. The audiences may want a genre of book that is rhetorical by vampires and werewolf’s. There is one book and movie series called “Twilight” is about religion and how Edward (one of the characters of the series) had to overcome the “natural guy”, said Stephanie Meyer author of the series. He does this so he can be with Bella ( the main character) because showing her that he can be a better guy. Also this show rhetorical situations because the audience might be in a relationship and want to know what a “typical” or “realistic” relationship is all about.

Rhetorical and Contextual Analysis – Interpreting Twilight

What I learned from the reading is that in the pharmaceutical world people need to know how to read the rhetorical prescription fills. This is so that the pharmacist can give the right amount of dosage and make sure the customer knows the side effects of the medication. “The technical writers at a pharmaceutical company work to provide consumers of medications with information they need about dosages and potential side effects.” I also learned that writers bring in particular audiences pertaining their interests, in that particular category. ” Writers are always doing the rhetorical work of addressing the needs and interests of a particular audience, even if unconsciously.” Another thing I learned is that in automotive technology is we need rhetorical situations. Without them the people who are building the cars won’t know how to assemble the parts correctly without the right information. If the people build the parts incorrectly then when people test drive them , the parts will break and we may crash and hurt someone. So typing the instructions correctly and reading them properly will help make for a better and safer car. My instructors teach us how to properly diagnose the problem and safely fix it. They make us fix the problem without their help, if we are having trouble fixing the issue then they will step in and show us how to fix it. Without the proper guidelines of a rhetorical situation a worker may do their job wrong and may end up getting fired. Nobody wants that so with proper explanation and work ethic we can determine if the person is doing good rhetorical situation in their job.