Revising Until You Get It Write

“Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” by Doug Downs speaks of developing a writing skill and to understand that the writing is not going to be perfect the first time. Revising is a part of becoming a writer but collaborating with other to improve your craft. It’s a way of expressing your thoughts and making sure its best fitting for the message you’re trying to get across, but also making sure your audience understands. During the revision, finding the best structure for your ideas and also for writers to share, create, or polish the ideas to help with your writing skills.  Its found that if writers skip the revising process they are likely to  have fewer positive results and more time needed as oppose to having the revising done during the writing process, after the first draft. The revising process is not to belittle the writing but a tool for become a better writer. Students being told to add more, explain your topic, and rewrite you assignment was a sign of poor writing skills.  Creating the best possible writing come with working with other writers, composing different versions, and taking the time for reflection, getting readers feedback, and come up with a plan for the polished draft.

Revision works because writing shares a characteristic of other
language-based endeavors: using language not only represents one’s
existing ideas, it tends to generate additional language and ideas (see
3.0, “Writing Enacts and Creates Identities and Ideologies”)!/search?bookMark=eNrjYmDJy89LZWbgtTS3MLAwNzEytLQ0MONg4C0uzkwyMDIyNQaKGnMyCPsl5mbmpSuUZySWKJSnKmTn5ZfzMLCmJeYUp_IysJQUlaZyM8i4uYY4e-jmJCfHJyeWJObkp8cnGVqaWhgYmZkaE5AGAFqLJK8


I believe “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” and “Shitty First Draft” in comparison because the focus to to get your ideas in writing and to go over that first draft and make any necessary changes. As far as the difference, “Revision Is Central to Developing Writing” made a point that having other writers to collaborate, share ideas and revise. As for “Shitty First Draft” she did not allow anyone to read or help revise her article before publishing, But ultimately, no matter how you get to the finished product, just get your ideas down and do the revising yourself or with others to make sure your giving the readers something worth reading.