Putting the Time in to Be Perfect

The reading “Failure Can Be an Important part of Writing Development” by Collin Brooke and Allison Carr sends a great message out to the readers by sharing to their audience that there is not such thing as perfect first draft. No matter how long you write your first draft, it will never be perfect. Even if it is a professional writer, it is very important to do a first draft, then a second then even sometimes a third draft. When writers submit a prefect draft, it means that they have done a lot of editing and revision to their essay. This means you must put in the time and use the correct resources like having someone read your writing so they can put some of there input into it. Having another person read your writing is important to make sure everything flows together and is clear.

I chose this GIF because this girl had to put in the time to learn how to do these flips. Even though she did mess up, she will know how to correct herself. Just like Brooke and Carr’s reading, this was this girls first draft, she will soon be able to do her back flips without hitting the fence at the end. When she fixes her mistake, she will then be able to do perfect back flips. First drafts are all about messing up and not being perfect, but it is how you overcome your first draft to make it a great writing piece.

Brooke and Carr also discuss in their reading that you have to try new things to have a powerful writing. You can not be scared to go out of the box and  do something you have never done before. Doing this will make you a better and stronger writer even if it is out of your comfort zone. When you do try a new writing skill, you might fail, but it is how you overcome it with revising it multiple times.

I chose this GIF because it represents learning from your mistakes. It is an important skill for students to learn the method of writing that works the best for them and not just focus on what grade they received. If a student did not get their desired grade, it is important to learn from your mistakes and be able to fix it for the next time you write. You have to embrace your failure and take what you have gained to make your writing even better.