Meaning Behind a Writer

In the article, “Writing Expresses Meaning to be Reconstructed by The Reader”, the author Charles Bazerman explains how ideas from the writers point of view and what that particular author is trying to explain is interpreted differently by every reader. Often for a writer to make a point or thesis in their pieces they express their feelings, so the reader can better understand the authors thoughts and concepts throughout the text. Bazerman explains that a writer’s meaning in a piece comes from his or her previous experiences in life, but the reader has to create their own understandings from the piece and their own prior knowledge. The knowledge is different in each audience, so the writer needs to factor things in such as the reader, purpose, and context. Writers can’t simply be free from requirements and limitations if they are correctly thinking of the reader.

Explain how two can see the same thing and interpret it differently. –  jenalynalbia

From this article, I learned to make my own interpretations of what I am reading and not say I interpreted a reading like everyone else, because everyone makes their own opinions of a reading. I also learned as a writer and a reader, it is essential to be different with my thoughts and knowledge. I can’t be scared to have different opinions of others, because being different makes the world a better place and makes writing unique. I need to be open to judgment and positive criticism, as any writer should. As a writer in the real world there will be criticism everywhere, people will and will not like your writing for different reasons. You will have to be okay with that, because down the road it will make you a stronger writer. I need to be passionate about my writings, for example being true to myself by letting the audience know my feelings and being a life-long learner. Bazerman states, “while a writer’s meanings arise from the objects and experiences, and words available to that reader.” This shows me that when I explain my thoughts in my writings I will need to be clear and think about the reader, so the reader can connect with me. I want them to understand why I am comprehending a reading or why I am writing the way I am. I also Know more from reading this article that writers have to write from a readers point of view to ensure that the message the writers wants to comprehended gets across to the reader though the emotion and thoughts an author has.